Faculty and staff are vital partners in the career and professional development of students.

The Career Services office is dedicated to providing career and professional development opportunities to all students at Iowa State University in the College of Health and Human Sciences. In partnership with faculty and staff, we connect students with relevant resources and equip them with knowledge and tools to explore majors, make career decisions, and seek internship and post-graduate opportunities.


In partnership with all colleges at Iowa State University, Health and Human Sciences Career Services utilizes an online career management system called CyHire. Career-related information is posted and available for students, employers, and faculty via this system. Use of CyHire ensures fair and equal access by students, alumni and employers.

We accept all of our job postings via this system which allows employers to:

  • Post intern/co-op and post-graduation positions
  • Create a company profile
  • Schedule on-campus events
  • Schedule on-campus interviews
  • Register for career fairs

Employers that contact faculty and staff regarding recruiting students or sharing job opportunities at Iowa State should be directed to Career Services. Our office will reply to job posting requests and assist employers with posting opportunities to ensure there is equal access. 

CyHire usage for fair and equitable recruiting

Faculty and staff sometimes receive information about employment opportunities and are asked to relay the information to students or identify candidates. Requests for student referrals or for names of excellent students may seem harmless, but there are potential legal and ethical pitfalls. For more information, please read A Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiringpublished by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

To maintain a fair and equitable recruiting process, Iowa State University’s CyHire, is designated as the centralized job and internship posting site for all students at Iowa State University. Employers requesting to post opportunities should be forwarded to Career Services. It is the position of ISU Career Services Council that all professional positions must be posted on CyHire. Use of CyHire also ensures that:

  • Positions posted at Iowa State can only be viewed by Iowa State students or alumni.
  • Employers using university resources to recruit agree to follow the university’s non-discrimination policy.

Best practices

Visit the Iowa State University Career Services website for additional information on policies an procedures for students, faculty, and staff.

Sharing of career outcome data

Career Services Council has adopted the following policy regarding sharing of career outcome data:

“Career outcome data, including employer information, is collected from graduates with a guarantee that individual responses will be kept confidential. Therefore, data will be released to internal and external constituents in aggregated form only.”

The College of Health and Human Sciences supports campus recruiters’ participation in the classroom

The College of Health and Human Sciences encourages and supports interaction between campus recruiters and college instructors. Individual instructors frequently host employers in their classrooms. Those organizations wishing to participate in classroom situations should recognize that any material presented in such forums should correspond and compliment the classroom curriculum. Company “commercials”, where the bulk of the material covered is focused on marketing the organization, are not recommended nor allowed.

When reaching out to instructors of the college, employers should plan to prepare presentations that will support the material of the course. For those campus recruiters who wish to promote their company, hosting an information session marketed via CyHire is recommended.

Student organizations may also be a venue for presentations. It should be mutually agreed upon by the student organization and the company that the presentation will NOT primarily promote the firm. Additionally, any recruiting activities (i.e., resume collections, sharing of job postings, etc.) should be coordinated with Health and Human Sciences Career Services and posted on CyHire. Engaging in recruitment activities in classroom situations which might be outside of standard recruitment practices may jeopardize the employer’s compliance with EEO and/or DOL obligations.

Serving as a reference

Faculty and staff may find themselves being asked to serve as a reference for a student during graduate school applications, scholarships, and employment opportunities. When asked to serve as a reference you should ensure that before you disclose any educational information covered by FERPA (e.g., student transcripts, GPA, grades, social security number, etc.) that you obtain written consent of the student. Failure to do so would constitute a violation of FERPA. If you have been asked verbally to serve as a reference, you may want to have the student follow up with written confirmation of this request. The university provides a release form for this process.

If you are in the situation where you are unknowingly contacted to provide a reference, all efforts should be made to confirm with the student prior to providing any information.

Request a presentation

Members of our staff are available to present career-related topics to your class. The following topics are available:

  • CyHire best practices
  • Overview of services
  • Resume and cover letter preparation
  • Interviewing skills
  • Career fair preparation
  • Comprehensive job seeking
  • Making connections
  • Salary and offer negotiation

Other topics may be available upon request. Please email chhscareers@iastate.edu with your topic and date/time preference.

Encourage career fair attendance

Our college hosts two career fairs each semester, Business, Industry, and Technology and People to People, in addition to the Teacher Education Fair in the spring semester. Please encourage your students to attend the career fairs each fall and spring. As a faculty member you are also encouraged to attend to help build relationships with our employers. Additional information regarding our career fairs will be shared closer to the events. 

View dates for the next career fairs on campus.