Contact ISU 4U

Founding Director and Professor in Charge

Katherine Richardson Bruna
1218 Lagomarcino Hall
901 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011-1041

Katherine gives direction to and is responsible for the overall movement of the ISU 4U Promise, including the ambitiousness, complexity, and nuance of the project, and its relationships with key internal and external partners. She supervises the work of the rest of the ISU 4U Promise team. If you have a concern, please reach out to her.

Program Specialist

Shari Miller
1218 Lagomarcino Hall
901 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011-1041

As Program Specialist, Shari looks for opportunities to connect Iowa State University students, staff, faculty, and alumni with ISU 4U Promise eligible students at King and Moulton elementary schools through in-the-school and on-campus events and community engagement. In addition, she maintains the tuition eligibility records of Scholars on the pathway to ISU.

Robinson ISU 4U Promise Graduate Fellow

  • Derrick Garth Jr
  • 1218 Lagomarcino Hall
  • 901 Stange Road
  • Ames, IA 50011
  • 515-294-4144

Derrick is currently pursuing his M.Ed. in Student Affairs and is the Robinson ISU 4U Promise Graduate Fellow for middle and high school outreach. His work focuses on helping students achieve their academic goals and preparing them for future college enrollment at Iowa State University. Derrick facilitates programming, provides guidance on navigating school life and college readiness, and connects students with resources and opportunities at ISU.

McKinstry ISU 4U Promise Graduate Fellow

Denise Dolan
1218 Lagomarcino Hall
901 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011-1041

Denise is in her first semester of Ph.D. studies in the College of Education, focusing on Language, Literacy, and Culture. She holds the ISU 4U Promise McKinstry Fellowship where she serves as a social and academic collegiate support advisor for ISU 4U Promise Scholars on campus. Denise assists students with transitioning from high school to college, coordinating community activities for all undergraduate ISU 4U Promise students, as well as through individual and group advising.