- Enthusiasm and a good attitude
- Extra copies of your resume and transcript (official & unofficial/AccessPlus)
- A professional pen and notepad in a padfolio or folder
- Key questions you want to ask
- Your reference list (printed on paper that matches your resume)
- Dates of employment and social security number (for filling out an application)
- A portfolio or appropriate project documentation, if applicable
- Challenging, virtual mock interviews for all experience levels and dozens of industries, including graduate school
- A database of thousands of interview questions with tips on how to answer them
- A comprehensive video training curriculum covering all aspects of interviewing for a job or internship
- A step-by-step interview Answer Builder for crafting answers to behavioral questions
- Interviewer’s name(s)
- Date you expect to hear from the company
- Questions you were not able to answer or questions you did not answer with focus
- Develop a clear, concise, and pointed response to the question so you will be ready next time.
Need More Information?
College of Health and Human Sciences Career Services
131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078