Honors Project Proposal

The College of Human Sciences Honors Project proposal process consists of two steps:

  1. Complete and turn in the CHS Honors Program Project Proposal form.
  2. The honors committee will review all proposals after the deadline. Comments, suggestions, etc. will be emailed to you.

Your project proposal feedback from the committee may ask for changes to your project. It is important that you give yourself time to complete the project. You may be asked to make changes to your project proposal during the brief presentation. Therefore, it is important that you plan ahead!

  • If you are participating in the University Honors Program Poster Presentation in the fall, you must submit your Project Proposal Form by Feb. 21 of the prior academic semester.
  • If you are participating in the University Honors Program Poster Presentation in the spring, you need to submit your Project Proposal Form by Sept. 21 of the prior academic semester.

Project Proposal Form

Do not turn in (or sign) the Project Proposal form until you have read the following instructions.

Work with Your Project Advisor

Work closely with your project advisor to define your project before you write the project proposal.

Many project proposals will have recommended changes by the committee due to procedural or descriptive flaws. Be thorough in your procedures and descriptions.

Consider Your Audience

Write your proposal as if you were writing for a committee of faculty members outside your discipline who do not know anything about the area of work you are doing. In your description, be sure to include all of the requested information.

Complete All of the Proposal Components

Complete in detail each of the proposal components (the form must be typed).

  • Introduction: Explain how this project meets your goals as an honors student and how it relates to your major and/or career.
  • Purpose and Learning Objectives: Explain the purpose of this project and what you hope to learn by doing it.
  • Significance of the Project: Explain the background and why doing this project is important.
  • Application of Results: Explain how the results of your project will be applied.
    Hypothesis or Research Question
  • Procedures and Methods: Explain how you will approach/structure the project. Be specific.
  • Assessment of Learning: Explain how you will evaluate what you learned from the project.
  • Abstract

Part of Larger Project?

If your project is part of a larger research effort, explain the larger project and its significance and clearly explain what your specific role or contribution will be. Make sure any bibliography you include is formatted properly in accordance with an accepted style sheet. Check your spelling! Explain all abbreviations or technical terminology.

Does Your Research Involve Human Subjects?

If your research involves human subjects (surveys, interviews, focus groups, research subjects), you will need to seek Institution Review Board (IRB) approval if you or your faculty project advisor plan to publish or display your results outside the Iowa State campus. If your research is solely for your honors project and poster presentation, approval is not needed. If you have questions about the IRB role or process, talk to your advisor. Information on IRB requirements can be found on the Office for Responsible Research site.

Submitting the Proposal

Your project proposal must be typed. Once everything is completed, have your project advisor sign the form, and then submit the proposal online via canvas.


If you have any questions about the presentation or process, please see your departmental representative to the College Honors Committee.

Honors Project Presentation

The poster presentation is the culminating experience of your honors project. For specific information about the poster presentation, refer to the University Honors Program website.

Poster Production

Posters are typically created using PowerPoint and printed at the Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT) in N031 Lagomarcino Hall. CTLT charges a small fee. Up to $20 can be reimbursed by the University Honors Program.


The College of Human Sciences awards three $200 awards annually for outstanding posters and presentation. Posters are judged at each poster session (fall and spring) by members of the CHS Honors Committee and usually awarded in the late spring.

Need More Information?

CHS Honors Program

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078



Need More Information?

University Honors Program

2130 Jischke Honors Bldg.
603 Farm House Lane
Ames, Iowa 50011-1057

