
Request to increase unit base budget funds

Hiring Faculty

Hiring procedure 

Request to fill a faculty line 

Start-up template 

Hiring P&S or Merit staff

Request to fill a P&S or Merit line 

P&S Performance Evaluation Form

Your supervisor should receive an email from human resources about performance evaluations.


Purchasing: Best Practices


Post Tenure

Review cover sheet

Review guidelines

Summary of changes to PTR policy

Faculty handbook

Promotion and Tenure

Applying for and being granted promotion and/or tenure is the product of hard work done by the promotion and tenure candidate, their department/school executive officer (DSEO,) faculty colleagues, promotion and tenure committee members, and a support team of administrative assistants, faculty mentors, and other interested parties.  The College of Human Sciences provides resources and support to direct the process within the college en route to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP).

The SVPP website has guidelines and required forms for promotion and tenure that provide information needed by candidates and their support teams. These are forms such as the checklist, cover sheet, factual information summary, etc.  Read these thoroughly and refer to them when you have questions.

Guidelines and Required Forms for Promotion and Tenure

NEW!  Best Practices for Faculty 

  • We are pleased to provide this college-specific document to assist candidates, faculty, and promotion and tenure committee members. As always, the priority source for comprehensive information on the promotion and tenure process is the Provost Office’s website.

UPDATED! Curriculum Vitae Shell 

  • The Curriculum Vitae Shell is a college-specific template that is mentioned in the Guidelines and is strongly recommended, but not required, by the college. It was updated in 2024 and additional guidance was added.

2024 Promotion and Tenure Meeting Presentation 

  • A PDF version of the college-wide meeting is available for review.


  • An overview of the timeline is provided. Candidates should talk with the department chair/school director for specific unit dates.


The following links provide information about the promotion and tenure process at Iowa State University:

Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost

Iowa State Faculty Handbook

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)